About Caroline Hatton

About Caroline Hatton

Caroline (rhymes with lean) was born in Normandy to Vietnamese immigrants and raised in Paris. Since her parents weren’t made of French francs, she could never buy enough books, so she borrowed them from her school library. At age ten, having read all the library books an average of 2.7 times each, she began to write novels of her own in French. They were pretty terrible, so it’s a good thing no French writing of hers survived, except for a poem about a cockroach.

Caroline HattonBy age sixteen, all this reading had led to a passion for science, so she took a detour from fiction writing to become a scientist. After earning a pharmacist degree from the University of Paris and a Ph.D. in Chemistry from UCLA, she became the Associate Director of the UCLA Olympic Laboratory, helping Dr. Don Catlin and his team test athletes for performance-enhancing drugs. Yet she never lost sight of her desire to write, so in recent years, she rearranged her life to fulfill it.

Caroline’s first, humorous, multicultural novel, Véro and Philippe, made the Los Angeles Times Children’s Bestsellers list. The book is about sibling rivalry turning to teamwork between Vietnamese-French kids growing up in Paris. Her publications also include stories in Cricket, craft activities in Highlights for Children, and the Emergent Readers, Where Is My Puppy?, Surprise Moon, and A Pet For Grandma. Her newest book is The Night Olympic Team, a science adventure of Olympic proportions.

When Caroline is not writing: She consults for sport organizations that fight drug abuse; translates science books from French into English; and visits schools to inspire children to enjoy the power of words.



  • Tina Nichols Coury, who presents Caroline’s Writing Tip of the Day: how to write a great nonfiction book ending
  • The School Library Journal, about doping in sports
  • Bonnie O’Brian for California Readers
  • Tina Nichols Coury
  • Terry Pierce
  • Voice of America
    onducted in English, then translated and dubbed in Vietnamese



Sharing the story behind Véro and Philippe
during the publication party
at Dutton’s Brentwood Books

With Don Catlin

Caroline’s desk

At left: Conducting a sample identification test by comparing The Night Olympic Team’s lead scientist Don Catlin with his photo on page 20 of the book, during the publication party at the LA84 Foundation (the legacy of the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles)
